St. Genevieve Family Life Ministry
In January, 2016 the St. Genevieve Family Life Ministry was restructured after the resignation of its long-time Ministry Leader. Through the collaborative efforts of numerous parish ministries, our family-oriented activities continued to thrive in the parish. After noticing the success of these family activities, Fr. Roel requested the Ministry Leaders to consider taking on the work of the Family Life Ministry and they accepted. As a parish ministry, we are guided by the Office of Family Life Apostolate, under the authority of the Archbishop and in conjunction with other diocesan offices, and therefore, are committed to providing the best resources and support for:
Presently, most of the St. Genevieve Ministries are involved in this ministry and continue to promote "Family Life" in our parish.
Gerry Seymour - Ministry Coordinator
Connie Narcisse - Assistant Coordinator
Reggie Seymour - Deacon
Becky Ford - Adult Choir
Shelly Dolan - Altar Servers
Edolia Barros - Charismatic Prayer Group
Jatonne El-Amin - Children's Choir
Lee Mittenberger - Finance Council
Gerry Seymour - Fitness Ministry
Natalie Chapital - Golden Age Club
Tina Schultz - Hospitality/Wedding Coordinator
Jonathan Smith - Knights of Columbus
Sandra Wooten - Ladies KC
Lodie Javery - Ladies' Altar Society/Pastoral Council
Mary Bell Neck - Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers/ Prayer Line/Prayer Shawl Ministry
Jeanne Devezin - Legion of Mary/Funeral Coordinator
Sherry Johnson - Liturgy Committee
Ona New - Parish School of Religion
Bill Strecker - RCIA
Patty Scoggin - RCIC
Michelle Gorney - Right to Life
Roman Matranga - Sacristan
Bob Miller - St. Genevieve's Men's Club
Joyce Lawrence - St. Vincent de Paul
Arthur Garcia - Ushers
Meeting dates and time: Quarterly, 3rd. Thursday (Jan/April/Aug/Dec) - Family Life Center
All inquiries about ministry membership, family services, or family activities can be directed to Gerry Seymour at (504) 458-0999. All are welcome!
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The Family Life Committee strives to make our parish a family focused community through fellowship and special events.
Gerry Seymour - President
Phone: 504-458-0999